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Hi everybody. Today I have a Review of a potential project ico is GRAIN a project on smart contract.


Grain is an infrastructure solution that allows companies to process deals on blockchain, with immediate payment mechanisms.


By moving the work agreement and paying for the blockchain, each party involves a great deal of interest.
GRAIN handles blockchain contracts and provides an immediate payment mechanism to compensate employees. GRAIN reinventes the way we work and empowers workers to share the success of this platform.
Blockchain GRAIN simplifies labor contracts by processing deal agreements through a smart contract. At the same time, the ecosystem introduces a consistent, fast, and fair payment mechanism, all while maintaining adequate security. The third and last part is the introduction of a digital savings account for workers who are contracted through the system, which can also be used for long periods of time or for short term needs or savings. term.
To provide a viable solution for work agreements worldwide, GRAIN will be flexible enough to comply with any labor-related regulations. In order to protect both sides of the transaction, GRAIN's protocol also contains a special mechanism for handling the underlying volatility of electronic money.
Using the GRAIN command block opens the possibilities for human resources, payroll, human resource system developers, accounting software and many other tools. It allows organizations to use transparent labor contracts that are measurable and transparent while significantly reducing the input costs of work agreements.

In the short term, GRAIN provides a 100 billion euro salary industry (defined by annual reports to twenty leading companies) with a transparent, secure and democratic ecosystem by upgrading the system. The current system is based on the principle of sharing


When analyzing job management in this "normal workforce", there are obstacles on both sides of the equation that we need to overcome:
Challenge # 1: Job inflation
By facilitating a direct relationship between workers and employers, GRAIN reduces the rising costs of maintaining traditional employee relationships. Work agreements are transitioned to blockchain, with immediate payment mechanisms that render expensive intermediaries and low value-added services such as unnecessary payments. GRAIN only holds the contract and handles the financing of the deal. GRAIN is unable to understand the demands of local people for tax and social security contributions.
This allows companies to save billions of dollars, reduce tape from all classes, and introduce a dynamic workforce.
Challenge # 2: Cross-currency payment is expensive
Appropriate talent for projects is not always near the office of a company. In fact, companies can often find it on the other side of the world.
Whether it's to hire a part to a lower-paying country or hire a designer through an online free platform, the problem no longer finds them: the most expensive aspect is Engage them and pay for their work.
Transactions through third-party payment providers use unfavorable exchange rates on transaction costs (usually 2-4% of transaction value), shedding much of the compensation money. workers.


The solution offered by GRAIN reduces that fee 10 times to 0.25% of the total contract price.
Challenge # 3: Late payment for flexible workers
Money is the lifeblood of the business. For small companies and workers flexibility, the impact of delays is particularly crippling: owners can not pay, can not hire new employees, have no place to invest in marketing or new equipment, etc. . In the worst case, it puts small companies out of business.
The GRAIN protocol is a "new money of work" and members can take advantage of the flexibility of the system's protocol to accommodate any possible workplace agreement.


Ticker: GRAIN
Token Type: ERC20
ICO Code Price: 1 GRAIN = 0.0150 USD (0.00002 ETH)
Fundraising goal: US $ 16,200,000 (ETH 20,000)
Sale before sale: $ 2,100,000
Total Tokens: 3,600,000,000
Available for sale of token: 30%
Once the consensus is reached, it is time for the workers to be compensated for their efforts.
For this payment, the GRAIN tag is used. The amount of GRAIN cards, after deducting social and tax taxes when applied in the jurisdictions of the country determined by the contract, will be transferred to the employee's wallet. The funds are immediately at the discretion of the employee and the contract is completed
Dealer care all local people and social + tax deduction. GRAIN handles the proceeds of the contract, thus independent of the local rules (tax). WORKSHOP FOR ROYAL CLASSES 


For more information, please refer to the link below: 
Website: https://grain.io
Whitepaper: https://grain.io/grain-v101.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/FbIB_Ujj2m0kWeH0Bv5-lA
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2779618
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2255643

username bitcointalk: huyng3008
url bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1543271
My eth address: 0x09F71Fbb0aed9B84559eCFc60f50EaEc77c6CdC8

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